This iconic image of Kwa Zulu Natal and Durban, captured by Steve after 3yrs on ‘stand-by’ for the correct weather. The image updates that of the late John Hone who made this pic famous when he first captured it back in 1988.
Correct atmospheric conditions for this image requires the passing of a wet cold front, which is rare due to our dry winter climate. It was three days of rain which rinsed the atmosphere squeaky clean and dropped a blanket of snow on The Drakensberg.
The image was shot from 9000’ASL at a point 10kms out to sea and using a SONY A850 full frame 24Megapix camera and a SONY f2.8 28-75SAM lens.
Set at f10 and resulting in a shutter speed of 1/250th second, which is very slow for aerial photography, making this a “lucky” capture and perhaps facilitated only because of the perfectly stable shooting conditions.

Contact Steve if you wish to order this image